I would like to call attention to my friend and professor from school, Steve Smith, and his blog/photos of new work. This one piece in particular had my laughing and thinking and somehow feeling patriotic (with a hint of lackluster). He writes, "It truly was a blessed day. Garbage Day and Pioneer Day (aka Land Pirates Day) coincided on the same day. I got my dome fried shooting 115 different pictures of flags in close proximity of garbage cans. I have been futzing around with them and there may be yet another alleged movie/ flip book in the works. It is a beautiful little dance they do... It was fun and boring to shoot. The fun part being when a woman from the neighborhood watch group came out to bust my balls. She asked me what I was doing and I happily replied that I was taking pictures of all the flags. "Oh let me move that garbage cans for you." I said that it was OK."
Love the new work, Steve. Anyone feel free to take a closer look, HERE. But don't bust his balls...
"Tree Trunk's Funk" is basically a virtual sketchbook of sorts. I have a love of collecting oddities and tidbits from the innertubes and nets. Join the funk in the trunk.